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Please note, the image shown may not be representative of the stated vintage. This is the very essence of champagne. Discover a subtle alliance between slowly matured and young ardent wines, all having aged patiently for at least four years in Piper-Heidsieck’s vaulted cellars beneath Reims.
Piper-Heidsieck Essentiel Champagne, online kaufen und Piper-Heidsieck in den Läden am Flughafen Zurich abholen. In den Läden des Flughafens finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Essentiel Champagne sowie andere Produkte rund um Schönheit, Essen und Trinken. Hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Piper-Heidsieck Produkte, die Sie am Flughafen Zurich kaufen und vorbestellen können.
Lustrous: Allow your eye to follow the regular rise of dainty pale golden bubbles, like exquisite shooting stars that burst in the sky at the summit of your crystal champagne glass. Essentiel’s four years of aging have bestowed upon it an unfussy charm.This is a bright, invigorating wine with well-defined fruit and an aromatic purity showing notes of citrus and white fruits, crisp succulent grapes, fresh apple and fresh almond. Intense and lasting notes of fruitcake follow, along with nuttiness, and an exquisite sensation of sweetness, hinting at the long period of repose that this wine has enjoyed. Ardent: Designed to be a reliable Extra-Brut symbolizing the essence of the House, this wine is vigorously ardent, crisp and firm. With a frank display of fresh white fruits, it has a sprightly, festive character that flirts shamelessly and joyfully with langoustines or oysters.
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