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Inspired by Cape Town’s creative energy and iconic landmarks, our limited release range offers classic and contemporary wines with their personalities firmly reflecting the cool climate terroir of the area. The wines are flavourful and unforgettable. The grapes are from selected spots in our best vineyard blocks. Wines are vinified in smaller quantities to ensure blending components to enhance the complexity of the Reserve range. The Cape Mist is a natural phenomenon in Cape Town, stealthily moving in as a cool Atlantic breeze over Table Bay. These conditions are crucial in creating the perfect environment to grow Sauvignon Blanc, renowned for its abundant and lingering tropical fruit flavours and balanced freshness. Grapes grown on the coolest and highest vineyards, to create a beauitful tropical taste. The images of the Products and any packaging (if applicable) on our Website are for illustrative purposes only. Although we have made every effort to display the colours accurately, we cannot guarantee that your computer's display of the colours accurately reflect the colour of the Products and/or packaging. The Products may vary slightly from those images.
Durbanville Hills Collectors Reserve Sauvignon Blanc , online kaufen und Durbanville Hills in den Läden am Flughafen Zurich abholen. In den Läden des Flughafens finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Collectors Reserve Sauvignon Blanc sowie andere Produkte rund um Schönheit, Essen und Trinken. Hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Durbanville Hills Produkte, die Sie am Flughafen Zurich kaufen und vorbestellen können.
Full concentrated wine with sweet summer fruit that ends with a lingering freshness.
Geschmacksnote - Wahrnehmung
Geschmacksnote - Geschmack
Abundance of citrus, melon and goose berries with hints of passion fruit, guava and herbal notes.
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